When you are managing your affiliate network, you are no doubt going to need to use some essential strategies and software to make money and keep track of all your data. There are some essential strategies to the affiliate marketing game that you must put into use if you want to be as effective in your marketing strategy as you can be. And when it comes to managing all the data you are collecting from testing and observing how your sites are doing, you are going to need some help from third-party software.
Here are the top 5 Affiliate Marketing Tools that you need to have under your belt.
1. Affiliate Link Manager (for WordPress sites)
Any amateur affiliate marketer knows how important linking is to your sites. In order to have your posts rank on Google, and other search engines, you should be linking out to other sites. This allows for your content to read as more nuanced and complete to Google’s spiders.
If your site is WordPress based, like a good chunk of affiliate marketing sites, then you should make use of the Affiliate Link Manager plug-in.
This plug-in allows you to automatically convert keywords into links. This makes your life infinitely easier when it comes to linking out.
2. FreebiesAs far as ways to keep users/readers interested, freebies are a fantastic way to do it.
Any Instagram user may have noticed what is being called “The Red Bathing Suit” phenomena. A small clothing brand (Sunny Co Clothing) posted a photo on Instagram that essentially promised a free bathing suit – just pay shipping and handling – to anyone who reposted the photo and tagged their brand.
Within two days they had amassed over 2.5k followers and had hundreds of thousands of reposts. If this proves anything it’s that people love free stuff.
So make use of how cheap human beings are, and make sure to post freebies as often as you can.
3. ContestsWhat’s better than a freebie? A freebie with a catch.
Contests force users to do something better than anyone else in order to win a freebie. This might mean they have to post something to their Instagram with an inspiring caption about how great the product is or something of the like. Either way this is a) free marketing and b) a great way to get people interested in your product. Because if all these other people want it, they need it.
4. Cake
This is one of the most complete affiliate marketing management software available. This allows you to fully track how well your sites are doing as well as manage your contacts. This software is basically a catch-all so you don’t have to use several different programs to manage your dating cpa offers or affiliate network.
5. Regular Tasks
This isn’t so much as a tool as it is an organizational strategy.
Affiliate networks require a certain amount of attention. Breaking down your tasks by how often – or how regularly – you need to complete them helps keep you organize and, more importantly, sane.
Break down you tasks by what you need to do once a day, a week, and a month. This will keep you organized, keep your sites affectively running, keep your income flowing, and keep you less stressed out.