Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common questions we've been asked about our products and services. If you have any questions to add please use the form at the bottom of this page.

43 of 65 found this information helpful.

Where can I find replacement fender skirts for an older Skyline RV?

A great source for fenderskirts is All-Rite. Their website is

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22 of 31 found this information helpful.

Where can I find a replacement rockguard for my travel trailer?

A great source for rock guard (or stone guardes) is All-Rite. Their website is

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152 of 170 found this information helpful.

What is the phone number for Skyline Corporate headquarters?

The toll free number for our Corporate offices in Elkhart, IN is 1-800-348-7469 The mailing address is: Skyline Corporation P.O. Box 743 Elkhart, IN 46515-0743

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15 of 44 found this information helpful.

Can I export my Skyline RV to Canada?

We have customers import our products everyday. However, to get a definite answer to your question it is best to consult with an import officer in Canada.

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38 of 49 found this information helpful.

What do the L,F,G,C stand for on the battery monitor panel?

Click photo to enlarge.C is for Charge, G is for Good, F is for Fair and L is for Low battery condition.

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21 of 34 found this information helpful.

Where can I find a listing of retailers for your products?

For your convenience we have placed a retailer locater on our website. Simply enter your zip code and your search radius. The web page will return the retailers in your area. The locater is at

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12 of 15 found this information helpful.

I live in Canada. Do you have retailers in Canada?

Skyline recreational vehicles are available through out Canada. For a retailer in your area use our "Locate a Dealer" service on any web page. (NOTE: Enter Canadian Postal Codes with format of XXX XXX.)

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Where can I find replacement parts for my Skyline RV?

The best source for parts is through your local independent retailer. For an up-to-date listing of current retailers please visit our dealer locater at

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15 of 23 found this information helpful.

We are importing our Skyline RV to Canada and need a recall clearance letter. Can you help with this?

Yes, we can provide a statement of recall for the import of a Skyline RV. To receive the letter just send an e-mail request with the 17 digit VIN to Also, please provide an address or fax number to send the letter to.

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129 of 166 found this information helpful.

Question: I recently read about formaldehyde use in manufactured homes and RVs. Can you provide more information regarding formaldehyde usage in Skyline products?

Skyline Corporation is concerned about the safety of our customers and wants to provide this useful information regarding formaldehyde usage in the products we build.
Formaldehyde is a chemical found in many products used to build residential and commercial structures. Depending upon various factors, formaldehyde may be emitted into the air of all commercial and residential structures including manufactured housing and recreational vehicles. Formaldehyde is also present in the outdoor air.
Numerous consumer products and industrial processes such as particle board furniture, dry cleaning, permanent press fabrics, beauty supply products including nail polish, deodorants and shampoo, paint and many other products use or contain formaldehyde.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulates the building of manufactured homes. HUD has established standards regulating the levels of formaldehyde which may be emitted from building products used in constructing manufactured housing. Skyline complies with these regulations and uses only products which either contain no formaldehyde or are certified by their manufacturer as emitting levels within those permitted by the HUD Standards. These regulations also require that our homes contain an Important Health Notice that is affixed to the kitchen counter of every home manufactured and is repeated in the Homeowner Manual.
Prior to January 1, 2008, recreational vehicles did not require the use of low-emitting formaldehyde products. However, Skyline has voluntarily used them for many years since low-emitting products were available in the marketplace.
The level of formaldehyde in the indoor air of any home, building, or rv is dependent in large part upon temperature, humidity and ventilation. Proper ventilation will improve air quality, while closing up a home or rv or using inadequate ventilation can result in poor air quality. The level of formaldehyde also dissipates over time.

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61 of 103 found this information helpful.

Where can I find a manual for my RV?

Skyline has assembled a manual that will provide operational information for most every travel trailer and fifth wheel vehicle we manufactured through out our history. The manual is available by clicking the link below. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view the manual.

Attachment: TTFWOwnersManuaNew.pdf

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